The Chicago Tribune revealed that they hired a reputable, FCC-recognized lab to test 11 popular cell phones for radiofrequency radiation. They used the same tests that the cell phone companies themselves use to test their phones to gain FCC approval. The results of these independent tests will raise many eyebrows: several of the phones tested considerably higher than the government safety limits they claim to be compliant with.
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The industry claims that the radiation output of Bluetooth is too low to harm health. However, weak electromagnetic fields have been shown to be detrimental to health, especially when the exposure is long-term and constant, and in very close proximity to a vital organ.
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Scalar energy is considered, by the relatively few who know it exists, as potentially the greatest discovery in the history of science. Scalar fields exist as the informational/non-physical component of all matter, but in this article we will be discussing them mainly in relation to electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
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One modern trend in child raising is the use of baby monitors to ensure the well-being of babies overnight and during nap times. Parents are constantly bombarded with information on sleep safety, SIDS, and newborn breathing issues, so naturally, they want to do everything they can to keep their baby safe. Unfortunately, most baby monitors produce continuous, high levels of microwave radiation, directly targeting your baby while they sleep, so the well-intentioned use of baby monitors can cause more harm than good.
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The link between EMF and chronic illness, and even certain retroviruses themselves, has been established. Incoherent electromagnetic frequencies make the body think it's being attacked by an invader, causing a perpetual ramped up immune response, eventually exhausting immune energy and allowing dormant retroviruses the chance to take over.
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Due to widespread doubts about its health and safety, a noteworthy resistance to fifth-generation wireless technology (5G) is occurring across Europe and beyond. On March 31st, Brussels (Belgium) became the first city to halt 5G rollout based on health concerns. For Brussels to accept 5G, they would first have to increase allowable radiation limit ordinances by 30-40%.
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EMF is dangerous, that is certain. If you still have any doubts about that, please read our other blog posts, like this one or this one. What do we do about it though? Shouldn’t we block EMF? We get this question from time to time, and we think it is time to publicly address it. There are many people in the EMF protection community who say that the only way to protect ourselves from EMF is by blocking it. There are multitudes of products on the market designed to do just that. You can drop tens of thousands of dollars...
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Brandon Amalani of Blushield Global USA interviews Mark Langdon, Blushield Founder.
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When learning how to protect yourself from electromagnetic fields it is important to understand the sources of EMFs, as well how to adjust your life to no longer be negatively impacted by these areas. Or at least to reduce the impact. That's because there is no way to escape EMF exposure in your life.
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I recently watched this informative Bulletproof podcast interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola, who has been an advocate for natural health and medicine for over 20 years. In this interview he discusses the research and dangers surround EMF (electromagnetic fields) exposure. He also discusses solutions and ways to mitigate the harmful effects of EMF exposure.
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