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Black and white photo of a woman's face side view with wireless headphones

Dangers of Bluetooth and Wired Headsets

The industry claims that the radiation output of Bluetooth is too low to harm health.  However, weak electromagnetic fields have been shown to be detrimental to health, especially when the exposure is long-term and constant, and in very close proximity to a vital organ.

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Artistic depiction of a scalar field

Scalar Energy and EMF - What You Need To Know

Scalar energy is considered, by the relatively few who know it exists, as potentially the greatest discovery in the history of science.  Scalar fields exist as the informational/non-physical component of all matter, but in this article we will be discussing them mainly in relation to electromagnetic fields (EMFs).

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Photo of a sleeping baby with a pacifier right next to a wireless baby monitor

Baby Monitors, Smart Diapers, and EMF - What You Need To Know

One modern trend in child raising is the use of baby monitors to ensure the well-being of babies overnight and during nap times. Parents are constantly bombarded with information on sleep safety, SIDS, and newborn breathing issues, so naturally, they want to do everything they can to keep their baby safe. Unfortunately, most baby monitors produce continuous, high levels of microwave radiation, directly targeting your baby while they sleep, so the well-intentioned use of baby monitors can cause more harm than good.

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Graphic with a 5G cell phone in the center, surrounded by cell towers and satellites, with 0 and 1 numbers in the background symbolizing information being transmitted|Artistic depiction of a house surrounded by 5G towers

Widespread Resistance to 5g Occurring in Europe and Beyond

Due to widespread doubts about its health and safety, a noteworthy resistance to fifth-generation wireless technology (5G) is occurring across Europe and beyond. On March 31st, Brussels (Belgium) became the first city to halt 5G rollout based on health concerns. For Brussels to accept 5G, they would first have to increase allowable radiation limit ordinances by 30-40%.

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Image of a big lightning bolt next to a cell tower

Experts Warn About 5G Weather Prediction Interference

There have been concerns voiced by meteorologists, weather experts, and government agencies like NASA, NOAA and the U.S. Navy, that 5G frequencies could significantly compromise clear and accurate weather forecasts. This could potentially result in inadequate advance notice of big storms, hurricanes, and other inclement weather, endangering aircraft and naval vessels.

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Documentary Title Page: Resonance Beings of Frequency

Beings of Frequency

Here is an interesting documentary on the effects of EMF radiation in our environment.  If you have a spare hour and a half this is well worth watching, and quite frightening.

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