The FCC Is Being Sued
Stop 5G refers to a huge, landmark lawsuit that Children’s Health Defense, in conjunction with the Environmental Health Trust (EHT), filed against the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) in February of 2020 through the U.S. Court of Appeals. It was filed in response to the FCC’s refusal to review its 25-year-old obsolete wireless “health guidelines” and adopt scientific, biologically based radio frequency emissions rules that adequately protect public health.
The Principal (Evidentiary) Brief was filed in July. The brief is 115 pages, and is packed full of valid studies and points of consideration that the FCC either responded inadequately to, or ignored completely.
The current safety guidelines were put in place back in 1996, almost 25 years ago when radio frequency radiation exposure levels were a small fraction of what they are today. Also, the guidelines were only based on “thermal effects”, which refer to the amount of radiation required to heat living tissue and cause damage. Potential non-thermal mechanisms of damage were not even considered. The FCC is supposed to frequently review and reassess its guidelines, especially in light of the unprecedented increase in non-ionizing radiation exposure of every human alive today.
In 2012, the U.S. Government Accountability Office published a recommendation to the FCC that they formally reassess their guidelines applicable to RF radiation in the ways that people would normally be exposed with common usage, particularly when phones are held up against the body.
So in 2013, the FCC responded by opening a docket asking for public comment on whether they should review and change their guidelines. In the 6 years the docket was open, hundreds of individuals and scientists submitted evidence that indicated that the current FCC guidelines were grossly inadequate in protecting human, animal and environmental health, and the FCC disregarded all of it and ultimately decided not to review their guidelines. They closed the docket in 2019, stating they couldn’t find adequate reason to reassess their safety standards.
We Support Children’s Health Defense
We are inspired to share with you a great organization that we at Blushield USA support monthly with financial contributions, as one of Our Causes. We feel passionately about this non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and would love to spread the word to you about the wonderful causes they are actively pursuing every single day, for the benefit of all of humankind and especially our children.
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is a devoted group of environmental and health activists, attorneys, journalists, and doctors – all children’s advocates led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Their stated mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.
What motivates this group of allied individuals in pursuing this cause is witnessing that there are public health policies and practices that are harming our children at ever increasing rates. There needs to be more research into, and transparency about, the health and environmental impacts of the many large industries that are, in many ways, currently running unchecked. This includes the modern medical system and pharmaceutical drug companies, vaccine manufacturers, producers and users of pesticides and herbicides, the mining and coal industries, and the telecommunications industry spreading devices with deleterious health effects far and wide, while downplaying or completely ignoring the significant and ever increasing numbers of studies that evidence harm from electromagnetic fields and specifically radio frequency radiation.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a member of the famous Kennedy family and a world renowned environmental activist and attorney, is the leading voice of CHD. Kennedy has been actively advocating for the health of humans and the environment for over 30 years, and is the Founder and President of the Waterkeeper Alliance, an international group that helps local waterkeeper organizations all over the world organize causes and track down and sue polluters of our vital shared waterways. It has become the world’s largest clean water advocacy organization, with Kennedy leading the way.
In recent years, he has been intensively focusing his efforts on bringing awareness to the dangers of vaccines in their current form, and the health threats of the ever increasing saturation of radio frequency radiation in all of our living spaces, which is especially dangerous to growing children with their vulnerable brains and bodies.
Left: Natalie Amalani, part owner of Blushield USA with RFK Jr.
We Need To Hold the FCC Accountable
Children’s Health Defense and the Environmental Health Trust are now holding them accountable for their dangerous negligence, and are demanding through the court of law that the FCC address all the evidence they had previously dismissed without explanation.
The Federal Communications Commission needs to demonstrate that they are a true government organization in service to the people, and not bought out by the industry they are supposed to regulate, as proposed in the Harvard University Center for Ethics’ book, Captured Agency: How the Federal Communications Commission Is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulates.
We encourage everyone who is able to join Blushield USA in helping out CHD in this very important legal action, and if you aren’t able to donate, to please spread the word and follow their progress.
Here is where you can follow Legal Updates on the Stop 5G Case.
Go here to donate to Children’s Health Defense – if you want to specifically support the Stop 5G cause, be sure to select “Stop 5G” in the Funding Options.
“Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted, when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy or too frightened, when we fail to speak up and speak out, we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice.” – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.