Protecting children is one of the things we are most passionate about, as they are our future!
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One modern trend in child raising is the use of baby monitors to ensure the well-being of babies overnight and during nap times. Parents are constantly bombarded with information on sleep safety, SIDS, and newborn breathing issues, so naturally, they want to do everything they can to keep their baby safe. Unfortunately, most baby monitors produce continuous, high levels of microwave radiation, directly targeting your baby while they sleep, so the well-intentioned use of baby monitors can cause more harm than good.
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A couple weeks back we posted a frightening video of Barrie Trower discussing how WiFi and other EMF's may cause worse damage to your children's children through damaging egg cells. We recently came across a court document where Barrie was testifying against Portland public schools that wanted to install WiFi in the schools, which he was fighting against. That court document can be found here. Feel free to read or scan the 26 pages yourself, but I'll sum up about one page of key points for you here. First off, know that Barrie Trower's credentials are extensive. They include degrees...
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Watch this stunning short clip of an interview with Barrie Trower, a former microwave weapons expert for the Royal Navy and British Secret Service, where he discusses how wireless technologies may not just damage you, but your grandchildren as well, through insidious means.
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