Chronic, degenerative illness is also the highest it’s ever been. Could there be a link between the toxic metals that saturate our air, water and food since the industrial age, the invisible yet definitely not ineffectual electromagnetic and radio waves that surround us at thousands or millions of times the strength of natural background radiation, and the alarming rise in chronic illness we face today?
Can high levels of EMFs interact with a toxic metal load in our bodies, increasing the likelihood of chronic illness?
Metal conductivity, & defining “heavy metals”
All metals, to greater or lesser extents, conduct electricity. Electricity could be defined simply as the movement of electrons. One of the defining characteristics of a metal is that the electrons in the outer shell of each metal atom (called valence electrons) are not firmly held in place by the nucleus of the atom, and are easily moved towards other atoms in proximity. The easier it is to move the metal’s electrons, the more conductive the metal is. When some kind of external force is applied, such as a magnetic force, these electrons move from one metal atom to the next in a cascading effect, generating a current of electric charge. Since electricity (movement of electrons) and magnetism (attraction and repulsion, also a property of certain metals) are both involved, this is called electromagnetism.We have ‘good metals’ in our body, known as essential minerals, which power the electrochemical processes that allow all our myriad body functions work automatically and seemingly miraculously. Our nervous system and the pacemaker of our heart are especially dependent on our internal symphony of electromagnetism. We could say that a ‘good metal’ is any metal/mineral we ingest that can be absorbed and utilized to the benefit of our health.
You’ve probably heard the term ‘heavy metal’ referring to metals that we absorb that are toxic or unusable to our bodies, and this isn’t quite an accurate term, but it’s fairly close to the truth. In physics and chemistry, no one completely agrees on the definition of ‘heavy metal’, but it usually refers to either the atomic weight or atomic number, a high density, or chemical behavior. Many heavy metals, like lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury, are not considered biologically useful, and have known toxic effects on the body. But there are some in the heavy metal category that are also vitally essential minerals in trace amounts, such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium and chromium, but are toxic in excess. Some heavy metals, although not considered essential, are said to be harmless and potentially even beneficial, such as silver, gold and indium. Then, there are some ‘lighter’ metals, like aluminum, that are toxic even in small amounts. So as you can see, “heavy metal” doesn’t have a neat, blanket definition when it comes to metal toxicity.
For the purpose of this article, we will use the term ‘heavy metal’ interchangeably with ‘toxic metal’, meaning any metal that isn’t used by any body processes or has any benefit to the body. Even if a metal isn’t doing acute damage, if it’s not being useful and is allowed to build up, the space it takes up is a problem in itself, and may cause the body to become more conductive to external electromagnetic radiation, as we will elaborate on later.
Health dangers of a toxic metal load
The main criteria that determines metal toxicity is the form the metals take. Heavy metals make up approximately 25% of the Earth’s crust, but they are safely sequestered there and are very gradually converted to organic forms through the plants and animals that we eat, and there would be trace amounts in the water we drink. Naturally, we would be consuming these metals in tiny amounts and often in an organic form, and any excess would be easily excreted by our liver and kidneys, which are designed to remove anything we ingest that we don’t need, as well as our own metabolic waste.Mining and industry has caused the majority of the issue, as we haul thousands of tons of inorganic, crude metals from deep inside the Earth, processing them in factories and coal plants and releasing a mass of airborne particles, which settle into the water we drink, the topsoil we grow our food in, and straight into our lungs through the air we breathe. This unnatural exposure massively increases our internal load of inorganic metal particles, and we unwittingly ingest them much faster than our overworked organs can remove them. This is a dilemma for our bodies, and the only thing left to do is store them away in our fat, organs, brain and any other tissue it can push them into, so they won’t cause acute damage by floating around in our bloodstream. The body shoves them into these “emergency storage” pockets temporarily, promising that when it gets a break from its constant busywork, it will backtrack and deal with these dangerous and unusable substances later on.
For most of us who are exposed to toxic elements frequently and don’t prioritize detoxification, this time never comes. The toxins build up more and more, like racking up debt on a credit card that you can never pay off. By sequestering the metals away deep into the tissues, the immediate danger was removed, but at the expense of a more chronic, insidious danger.
Ambient electromagnetic fields are attracted to metals
Electromagnetic fields are generated by electric currents in metals that are influenced and moved by magnetism, and they also interact with and are attracted to other nearby metals. This is how a metal antenna can pick up a radio frequency that’s generated electromagnetically from far away. If the broadcasted frequency is present in the same airspace as the antenna, the antenna will concentrate and amplify it.Metals in our body will do the same thing, and since our human bodies have electromagnetic components vital to our functioning, and take in and concentrate minerals (metals) to support proper and healthy biological processes, we are considered to be living conductors of electricity. Humans are considered a “weak conductor”, because we aren’t as strong as a lightning rod, power lines or a tall, straight tree, but nevertheless we have conductive properties, otherwise lightning would never strike a human.
It has been established that our bodies need many different kinds of metals to function properly. Dozens of metals are considered ‘essential minerals’ that we need to consume through our diet so we can stay in optimal health. These include calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, sulfur, potassium, sodium and many other metals in smaller amounts (referred to as ‘trace minerals’) such as iron, zinc, chromium, manganese, copper, selenium, and more. When we ingest these in a bioavailable form, our body easily converts these metals to a neutral salt form and integrates them into its own electrochemical systems. These minerals are used for the highly sensitive, intricate electromagnetic impulse and messenger system that helps our entire body function optimally.
When a metal is ingested that isn’t necessary or useful, in a toxic indigestible form, or in excess, our body will not integrate and use it. These are the metals that build up in our body. When a metal isn’t being actively used in our own electromagnetic body systems, it just sits there and picks up ambient electromagnetic fields, acting as a micro-antenna to EMFs that are not biologically coherent.
Heavy metal toxicity & electromagnetic hypersensitivity
There are many problems with toxic metal buildup in the body. It has been discovered that harmful microbe colonies like certain bacteria, viruses, yeasts and parasites can use toxic metals as ‘shields’ or ‘houses’, allowing them to hide so our immune system will not detect and attack them. These harmful microbes can build up vast colonies, undetected, much more easily when toxic metals are in the mix.We also know that biologically incoherent EMFs from manmade devices suppress the immune system, allowing these microbes to proliferate even more. The combination of metal toxicity and constant EMF exposure gives these microbes an opportunity to gain a foothold and go wild, weakening our systems and in many cases, initiating chronic illness.
Toxic metals often don’t just sit around and do nothing – in many cases, they settle into the receptor sites of essential minerals we are deficient in. These metals don’t do what the essential minerals do, and just mess up a lot of systems because they are not meant for the job. This is why making sure you aren’t mineral deficient is extremely important in reducing damage from heavy metals.
A condition known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a somewhat new but widely experienced form of illness. Somewhere between 3% to 35% of people experience mild, moderate or severe EHS. Many EHS symptoms are the same as the symptoms of a chronic viral or bacterial illness, and it seems they are related. This is likely because of the link between EMFs, heavy metals and harmful microbes. Most of those who suffer from severe EHS also have high metal toxicity.
In addition to the toxic metal particles floating around in our bodies taking up space and not being used, having larger pieces of metal in the body can increase our EMF sensitivity. This includes mercury-silver amalgam dental fillings, and metal rods or parts that have been surgically inserted. It is not uncommon for those with metal dental fillings to report being able to pick up signals from certain radio stations – meaning they will ‘hear’ songs playing in their heads that always turn out to be associated with a particular station that the filling is tuning into, because its size is close to (or a certain fraction of) the wavelength of that station’s frequency!
Having metal dental fillings with mercury in them also slowly leaches mercury into the brain. It is recommended that if you have mercury amalgam fillings, if at all possible have them removed by a biological dentist who has the ability and infrastructure to safely remove mercury fillings without increasing contamination.
If you’ve ever had vaccines, you probably have toxic metals in your body (especially mercury and aluminum), as they are used as adjuvants to help the vaccines “work”. There are even ingredients in vaccines that open the blood-brain barrier (notably polysorbate 80), allowing these metals to become embedded in the brain and cause neurological issues.
Heavy metal detox methods
Fortunately, there are several ways to safely remove heavy metals from the body, and this is something everyone should do even if you don’t have extreme or acute symptoms of toxicity. It’s likely, because of their prevalence in our environment, that you have low grade metal poisoning that is showing up through mild or moderate nagging symptoms that you may not associate with metals.The best place to start is to reduce your consumption of toxic metals by eating healthy, whole organic foods and drinking clean, filtered water. There is no use trying to remove heavy metals from your body if you keep adding them back in at a rapid rate. There are certain foods that have binding or chelating properties, which can slowly reduce your metal load over time if you consume them regularly. Cilantro and chlorella, as well as foods high in sulfur like onions, garlic and cruciferous vegetables are helpful in removing metals from the body. Adding substances like activated charcoal and purified zeolites can speed up removal of metals. Even just increasing the nutrient density of your diet can help your body remove metals on its own. Foods high in iodine (and iodine supplements) are helpful, as iodine acts as a chelator of many heavy metals, as well as toxic halides like flourine, chlorine and bromine.
A substance called EDTA is a highly effective metal chelator that has been widely used since World War II, when an epidemic of lead poisoning was found in Navy personnel. Normally it’s used in oral or IV forms, but both can have significant drawbacks. Oral EDTA’s benefits are considerably reduced by passing through the digestive tract, where it picks up any positively charged substance (such as essential minerals that haven’t been assimilated into the body yet), leaving a much smaller amount left over to enter the bloodstream and scavenge metals deeper in the body. EDTA given through IV can be a lot more effective, but it’s also more dangerous and needs to be administered by a professional. It is expensive and can have uncomfortable side effects.
The most effective and safest EDTA is in the form of suppositories. This way, it can more directly enter the bloodstream without the need for needles and injections. It moves through the bloodstream and into deeper tissues of the body, and since it is negatively charged, it bonds to substances with strong positive charges. Remember, essential minerals are turned into a neutral salt form by the body, but toxic and unusable metals remain in a positively charged state. The EDTA binds to these metals and carries them out of the body.
Most EDTA is bonded to calcium and sodium as a delivery system. We prefer one made with magnesium and potassium, since most people are deficient in these nutrients. Magnesium and potassium so readily accessed in the bloodstream produces additional benefits that even go beyond the EDTA chelation, helping to alleviate magnesium deficiency and the many symptoms associated with it. Magnesium even helps reduce the harm of electromagnetic fields, as we have covered previously in our Importance of Magnesium for Mitigating EMF Damage article.
A special bonus of this form of EDTA is that it removes the excess calcium that migrates out of our bones and teeth and into all the wrong places (such as our arteries and joints) as we age. Since this calcium isn’t where it belongs, it carries a positive charge, and since calcium is a lighter metal the EDTA will pick the calcium up first, signaling to the body a temporary calcium deficiency and need to store calcium. When the EDTA finds heavier metals to bind with, it will drop the calcium and bind to the heavier toxic metals, and the calcium will be re-integrated into our bones and teeth since our calcium storage mechanism was triggered by the perceived loss of calcium. Then the heavier toxic metals will be carried out of the body, bound to the EDTA molecules.
We support and encourage detoxification of heavy metals from your body, and increasing your levels of beneficial minerals to benefit your overall health and vitality, decrease EMF harm and help your Blushield work even better for you.