Stop 5G refers to a huge, landmark lawsuit that Children’s Health Defense, in conjunction with the Environmental Health Trust (EHT), filed against the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) in February of 2020 through the U.S. Court of Appeals.
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Due to widespread doubts about its health and safety, a noteworthy resistance to fifth-generation wireless technology (5G) is occurring across Europe and beyond. On March 31st, Brussels (Belgium) became the first city to halt 5G rollout based on health concerns. For Brussels to accept 5G, they would first have to increase allowable radiation limit ordinances by 30-40%.
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This video features Frank Clegg, the former longtime president of Microsoft Canada. Now, he is co-founder and CEO of the non-profit organization, Canadians for Safe Technology. His purpose of speaking to Royal Society panel is to make a public request to hold Health Canada accountable to a more open and transparent process of scientific research and evaluation on its current update of Safety Code 6. Some of the key points made in this video include: As president of Microsoft Canada, he witnessed the potentially harmful effects of technology Code 6 deals with smart meters in homes and business, Wifi in...
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"This is the greatest environmental and safety threat of our time."-Kevin Mottus The question is can we actually fight to stop EMF pollution from getting worse on a political and industry level? Well, there are many people that are aiming to do just that, specifically fighting to stop 5G from rolling out with many more small cells being added to our cities. What you'll see in the video is an example of that from just a couple months ago. (And because the industry is so powerful, able to subject "science" to it's whims, there's a real good chance that doesn't happen....
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