I had the great privilege to interview Dr. Chris D'Adamo shortly after we submitted our clinical trial manuscript to a PubMed indexed medical journal.
Dr. Chris D’Adamo is an epidemiologist with expertise in the synergistic effects of healthy lifestyle practices on human health and wellness. He received his Ph.D. in Epidemiology from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and is currently an Assistant Professor with dual appointments in the Center for Integrative Medicine within the Department of Family & Community Medicine as well as in the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health. Dr. D’Adamo serves as the Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine and also holds adjunct faculty position in the Gerontology Doctoral Program of the University of Maryland.
Dr. D’Adamo has served as Principal Investigator on a wide variety of observational and interventional studies of nutrition and other healthy lifestyle modalities.
Chris is also an all around great human being that has a genuine passion for helping people be as healthy as possible.
In this interview, we discuss the statistically significant data regarding the voltage-gated calcium channel gene expression, as well as improvements in composite memory, cognitive flexibility, executive function, and processing speed. Heart rate variability, blood glucose, NK cells and deep sleep also all improved with use of Blushield technology!
Learn more about our study results here.