Do Electromagnetic Fields Harm or Heal?

image of different types of EMF sources with words "Good vs Bad EMF"

It has been definitively established that our bodies are primarily electromagnetic in nature.  Electric and magnetic energy is produced at all times by our own bodies, and this energy controls the production, use, and inhibition of the thousands of natural chemicals our bodies use to carry out all necessary processes for the continuation of life.  In that way, you could say we’re electrochemical.  The minerals inside our body have the ability to carry various levels of electrical charge, and the buildup and movement of this charge can be seen as the causal agent of all the material processes our bodies undergo, all the way down to the atomic level.

Human bodies aren’t unique in having electromagnetic properties, though – all other life forms, the entirety of the living planet around us, and the furthest reaches of the known universe all produce and respond to electromagnetic fields.  One may even say that life itself is the dance of a continuous, yet infinitely varied and ever changing electromagnetic symphony.

You may have heard that electromagnetic fields can be harmful to our health.  You may have also heard about the therapeutic benefits of electromagnetic fields.  Both are true… but how are they true simultaneously?

Foundationally, both of these truths are based on a single fact:  we are profoundly, constantly affected by external sources of electromagnetic fields – known as EMFs, for short.

As electromagnetic beings, we are finely tuned to the subtle changes happening in all the fields around us.  The tricky part is, we cannot actually see or hear most of the EMFs we are exposed to and affected by.  There are some exceptions, like the visible light from the sun, fire, and artificial light sources that harness electromagnetic energy and express it visibly.  Another related exception is audible sounds, which are primarily mechanical longitudinal waves that result from an object vibrating, creating disturbances in the surrounding medium (usually the air), and are not technically electromagnetic, but are still considered frequencies.  Also, we can feel some kinds of EMFs in the form of heat, mainly in the infrared spectrum.

That said, the vast majority of frequencies around us cannot be perceived by our five physical senses.  Since the living body is a highly tuned electrochemical system, our cells perceive and respond to the entire electromagnetic spectrum, even frequency bands that are completely invisible, inaudible and undetectable to our five physical senses.

Okay, so we are definitely affected by EMFs.  If that’s the case, then why do some frequency fields harm our bodies, and others help us heal?

It’s all determined by the structure of the fields themselves.

This includes the actual frequencies emitted, whether they’re repetitive (like a car alarm) or constantly varied (like a symphony), whether or not there is incoherent noise riding on the carrier signal, the duration of exposure to a particular field, as well as the finer details of the field’s structure; whether it’s pulsed, oscillating, modulated in phase, frequency or amplitude, and especially the quality and type of information the field is carrying.

These are a lot of variables, which is why EMFs can be so intensely harmful and so profoundly healing.


Voltage-gated calcium channels: the Nrf2 and peroxynitrite pathways

This is a good time to dive into some of the science on harmful versus healing EMFs.  For a long time, people knew that EMFs affected us, but no one knew of any biological mechanism to explain these effects.  In the past, this lack of an established mechanism reduced the enthusiasm of the scientific community to further study the health effects of EMFs.  This all changed when Dr. Martin Pall, a retired Professor of Biochemistry and Medical Sciences at Washington State University, linked electromagnetic field effects to our voltage-gated calcium channels (often abbreviated as VGCCs).

The voltage-gated ion channels (each of which utilize either calcium, potassium, sodium or chloride) are a major component of the body’s electrochemical control system.  Ionic minerals in our bodies will alter their charge in response to how our sensory neurons perceive external cues (such as light, movement and heat), which then elicits electrical changes in our cell membranes.  These changes trigger voltage sensors in one or more of the voltage-gated ion channels, which are like guardians of the cell membranes, to open their gates and allow minerals to enter the inside of the cell to perform highly specific functions.

Of the voltage-gated ion channels, the calcium channels specifically were found to be extraordinarily sensitive to external EMF sources, and especially to manmade polarized and pulse-modulated radiofrequency and microwave radiation.  This kind of radiation is emitted by cell phones, cell towers, Wifi routers, smart meters and many other modern EMF sources, and causes a literal flood of calcium to enter our cells, wreaking havoc at the cell level.  Through Dr. Pall’s research, which compiled and evaluated data from hundreds of studies on the subject, the effect of external EMFs on our electrosensitive VGCCs is now widely accepted as a primary causal mechanism of harm.

Interestingly, other studies on the health effects of electromagnetic fields have actually shown beneficial effects.  Why the mixed results?  The telecom industry-funded portion of the scientific community likes to conclude that because some studies show harmful effects, and some show beneficial effects, this can somehow be “zeroed out” to no effects.  Of course, this conclusion is wholly unscientific, but is convenient for the telecom industry.

What true scientists should be asking is if there are nuances to this subject that cause EMFs to be harmful in some instances, and helpful in other instances.  Martin Pall discovered a fascinating phenomenon that may give a great deal of clarity to this looming question.

What was found is that at any given time when the calcium channels are activated, one of two main pathways will be intiated, depending on the nature of the electromagnetic stimulus.  The first primary pathway is called the nitric oxide signaling pathway, which has downstream effects of activating Nrf2.  Nrf2 has systemic cell protective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and lifespan lengthening effects.  In many studies, beneficial EMF effects are connected to short exposure durations, where the EMF may act as a kind of hormetic stress, resulting in a healing response in the body –  summed up in the saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” (and healthier).  Hormesis is often seen in the beneficial effects of exercise, where the breakdown of muscle tissue creates new, stronger tissue; and fasting, where deprivation of nutrients causes the body to “eat” unhealthy, damaged cells as fuel and become more finely tuned and efficient to more easily survive anticipated future instances of nutrient deprivation.  Since the Nrf2 pathway is considered to be a cellular defense mechanism against oxidative stress and inflammation, it’s clearly a big part of the body’s adaptive capacity in the face of hormetic stress.  The Nrf2 pathway can also be activated by antioxidant-rich food substances like berries, green tea, onions, chocolate and other fruits and herbs.

The Nrf2 pathway likely plays a major role in the health promoting effects of some types of electrotherapy devices, especially the kind that produce “destructive” frequencies like Rife machines. This kind of technology is designed to target and eliminate viral, bacterial and parasitic activity in the body by matching and hitting the resonant frequencies of these organisms.

On the other hand, long exposure durations of the wrong kind of EMFs goes beyond healthy stress, and activates the other main calcium channel pathway, referred to as the peroxynitrite pathway.  This pathway is purely destructive to the body’s healthy cells, and results in a snowball effect of oxidative stress, free radicals and eventually DNA damage.  The destruction and derangement of healthy cells can result in cell mutation, and allow opportunistic organisms like bacteria, viruses and parasites to proliferate.  All of the common unpleasant symptoms that have been attributed to EMFs could potentially be traced to the peroxynitrite pathway of the VGCCs, including heart and nervous system issues, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, and many more.

image of the chemical peroxynitrate pathway effect

Now, this is just one mechanism that’s been discovered, and more will likely be found over time.


Healing and therapeutic electromagnetic fields

Throughout history, especially in the past couple hundred years, the therapeutic applications of electromagnetic fields have been explored by many brilliant scientists, engineers and physicians.  Since ancient times, electricity has been used for pain relief, at first utilizing live electric fish on a patient’s body as a healing stimulus.  In the 18th century, this practice was discontinued after frictionless machines were found to produce electrostatic fields.  Therapeutic use of electrostatic and/or electromagnetic fields became known as electrotherapy.

Since our living bodies are highly sensitive to external fields, the healing potential of targeted electrotherapy is vast and possibly almost endless.  It has the potential to go far beyond dietary and other lifestyle interventions as a powerful healing modality, because electrotherapy works directly on the electrical systems of the body, rather than indirectly in the form of food, drugs, herbs and other modalities.  These modalities also affect our electrical system, but in a less direct and efficient way.  In modern times, we even hear rumors of so-called “Med beds” that can restore our bodies to their original healthy state, said to potentially be capable of healing injuries and illnesses that are considered permanent and incurable.

In the 1800s, Nikola Tesla made significant progress into the study of electrotherapy, using his Tesla coils and “magnifying transmitters” to excite the surrounding atmosphere into producing a similar energy to lightning, which Tesla hypothesized could have beneficial effects on human health from its uniquely structured electric fields and negative ions. These high frequency devices would produce fantastic streams of blue light, and several scientists during and after Tesla’s time continued and expanded upon his experiments, finding highly beneficial results on human health.  These machines were thought to act as systemic vitality boosters, allowing the body to throw off diseased states simply by increasing the overall vitality of the system as a whole.

Other notable men who built on Tesla’s electrotherapy work in the 1900s were Georges Lakhovsky, Royal Raymond Rife, Guy Obolensky and Antoine Priore.  All were having major success reversing serious chronic illness with Tesla-inspired electrotherapy machines.  However, the mechanism of action was not discovered at that time, and this void in knowledge discouraged scientists of the past, just as much as it kills the motivation of modern scientists.

There are always exceptions, however, as there is a special type of mind that’s not discouraged by the unknown, but deeply inspired by it.


Two powerful healing modalities – plasma electrotherapy and PEMF

Paul Harris, inventor of the modern plasma electrotherapy machines Theraphi and Quantaphi, has been devoted to discovering the potential of electrotherapy from an early age.  Antoine Priore’s system, in particular, had to be pieced together almost from scratch, as Priore left very little records and no intact, functional electrotherapy machines by the time of his death in the early ‘80s.  The healing effects of his machine were found to be extraordinary in Priore’s time, but research was abandoned and experiments ceased because no one, not even Priore himself, could figure out why it worked so well.

Priore didn’t know at the time, but his machine was utilizing a principle discovered in the field of optics in the 1960s, known as phase conjugation.  American Lt. Colonel Thomas Bearden figured this out and shared it widely in the 1990s, and placed 20 years of research into the public domain to stimulate redevelopment of this type of electrotherapy, which became known as scalar electromagnetic therapy.  Applying phase conjugation to an EM field creates coherence by causing a wave to mirror itself exactly (in a phase conjugate mirror model), compared to a regular mirror that further scatters the wave and decreases coherence, increasing entropy and breakdown of the field’s orderly structure.  The opposite of entropy is known as negentropy, referring to an increase in order, coherent structure, and an expression of the pure, original state of the field.  In a sense, it’s a form of time reversal, where something is restored to its original, closer-to-perfect state.

This process has profound implications on living biology, by applying time reversal on a biological cell level, where a cell structure exposed to a phase conjugate field reverts back to its original state (which is programmed into our DNA, and always remembered there), before disease, disorder and entropy set in.

Theraphi and Quantaphi utilize this principle in the most powerful and advanced form yet created.  Some electrotherapy devices, like the Rife machine, operate using “destructive” fields, meant to promote health through the destruction of anything present in the body that inhibits health (like a chronic viral or bacterial load).  These likely work through the hormetic Nrf2 pathway explained earlier, where the body is exposed to some amount of stress to stimulate healing.  Rife machines use a continuous, repetitive, square wave frequency to accomplish this.

Theraphi and Quantaphi operate on quite another level, where the entirety of the frequency field is considered “constructive”.  It does not produce stress on any part of the body, and almost transcends the “progress through adversity” path that other methods take, by bathing the body in a coherent field of time-reversed waves.  Instead of targeting and destroying a misaligned cell, in most cases the cell is simply “time-reversed” into its younger, previously healthy state.  The concept itself is clean, harmonious and gentle.  It may sound contradictory, but this is a subtle energy device that’s massively powerful in its potential effects.

Another powerful electrotherapy modality is called PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic fields).  The first PEMF machines were invented over a century ago, inspired by Tesla’s research and experimentation with the healing effects of certain types of electromagnetic fields.  PEMF devices gained popularity and became more formally recognized by the medical field around 50 years ago.  Therapeutic uses of PEMF include bone healing, pain management, inflammation reduction, and overall wellness.

The most powerful and effective PEMF machine we have found is called ARC (Advanced Resonant Charge).  It was specially developed by acupuncturists and electrical engineers to provide maximum magnetic penetration into the deep tissues and bones of the body.  Where the magnetic fields of many modern machines have a tendency to bounce off the body or have little long term effects, the ARC provides deep, therapeutic levels of raw, magnetic energy to the cells, without the issues that come along with repetitive signal devices. Compared to solid state PEMF devices, the analog ARC device delivers strong, coherent, point source magnetic fields to the body, with unparalleled tissue penetration.

ARC constantly changes the amplitude and pulse rate so that the body never adapts to the magnetic flux, resulting in the body never getting used to the energy, increasing the long term benefits.  Although the magnetic pulse patterns are ever changing, you can change both the intensity and the pulse rate on the ARC. This gives you the most control possible in a totally analog package. You will find that as your needs change, settings on the ARC can easily and intuitively be adjusted and adapted for what the body or application requires.

It has long been known in acupuncture that the human body produces its own electrical current within each cell. The magnetic field and currents in the body play a critical role in regeneration, healing, growth, and cellular energy production.  Pulsed magnetic fields can be used to energize and stimulate the meridians and tissues of the body, which can give the body the raw energy it needs to create health and balance.

Pulsed magnetic therapy produced by the ARC will support circulation, pain mitigation, lymphatic flow, reduce anxiety, enhance blood flow, charge the blood and cells, and reduce inflammation and stress.

Analog technology is old school, but we feel it has far better effects biologically speaking.  The ARC has evolved analog PEMF technology to a level that we feel is currently unmatched in the industry. This is the most natural form of intense magnetic fields… like having lightning in a box.

The Theraphi and the ARC are practitioner grade devices, mainly used in healing centers by holistic practitioners.  Even if you don’t run a healing center, if you have the space in your home and have a serious interest in healing technology, you can acquire either of these devices for yourself and your family (as well as the Quantaphi, which is sized and priced more for home users), here:

Theraphi & Quantaphi Plasma Electrotherapy

ARC (Advanced Resonant Charge) PEMF machines

Doing sessions on the ARC (used first) followed by the Theraphi is the ultimate energy healing and biohacking device “stack” that we have found yet.

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