If you’ve been following the evolution of Blushield EMF protection devices for a while already, you have noticed that these past couple years, and especially 2021, have unleashed the most new product launches of any year so far! This is in direct response to the increase in wireless radiation we are all exposed to on a daily basis, and also in anticipation of a continued increase in wireless services for many years to come, commonly referred to as 6G, 7G, etc. – which mean subsequent “generations” of wireless technology, just as 5G is the 5th generation, at least in the marketing terminology of the wireless companies.
Since Blushield devices are designed to last for many years, if they are well cared for, we always design new products anticipating the EMF exposure levels and protection needs of people many years down the road. This way, if you buy one of the newest models in our product line, it is likely going to protect you sufficiently for many years to come and will not become outdated in terms of protection during its lifespan, so you will be getting the highest possible return from your investment!
This past year has brought the creation and launch of our strongest home device yet, the C1 Ultimate Cube, which is about 20% stronger with a 25% larger coverage area than our previous strongest model, the Premium Ultra. The C1 is ideal for the highest EMF, most dense metropolitan areas in the world, where there are 5G antennas in line of sight of almost anywhere you find yourself.
However, it’s also completely okay to have a C1 even if you live in a low to medium EMF area! There is no harm in having a model that’s stronger than what you currently need, because the body is always just seeking out the strongest frequency field it’s consistently exposed to, whether that’s a little bit stronger or a lot stronger. The benefit of having a strong device even if you don’t technically need it yet is knowing you will continue to be protected far into the future, even if EMFs increase in your area considerably, or if you ever have to move or travel to a higher EMF area.
You are likely already aware (unless you’re brand new to Blushield!) that a stationary home device should be the foundation of your protection. Since they plug into the wall of your house and use mains electricity, they are able to broadcast a strong enough field to effectively compete against the EMF pollution affecting your home environment. This strong field is required for your body to initially entrain with the Blushield frequencies via sympathetic resonance, and stop “attacking” the invisible threat of the EMFs, allowing your body to regain its health by reclaiming immune power for more productive uses.
Our portable models are meant to be used as an adjunct to your stronger home unit. Because they run on battery power instead of mains electricity, they are not usually strong enough on their own to achieve strong sympathetic resonance initially, but they do have enough strength to maintain your entrainment to Blushield frequencies while you’re away from your house for periods of time, and prevent your body from resuming its unproductive attack on the harmful EMFs around you.
Blushield Dual Band Portable units: we have something for everyone!
Until this past year, we only had two options for portable units, and both were mono band devices like our Plugin and Cube home devices. Mono band refers to the classic Blushield multiple waveform algorithm that’s produced for a couple of seconds at a time, repeating every 30 seconds, broadcasted from Blushield’s pure scalar carrier signal. Until halfway through 2020, when we launched the Premium Ultra home model, this was how all of our devices worked.
Due to the particularly intense effect that 5G has on the body if you find yourself in “line of fire” of its beamforming, phased array technology (you can read more about the unique way that 5G works here), our team of engineers found a way to significantly increase the protective capacity of our devices, so that the effects of this more intense EMF exposure could be considerably minimized.
The Premium Ultra was our first dual band home device, and in 2021, we launched our first dual band portable device, the U1 Ultimate Portable. It produces the same every-30-second pulsations of our classic, old school portable models. However, the U1 has an additional microprocessor – one instead of two – giving it a dual band output, instead of the mono band of our standard white Portable. This additional signal is being emitted constantly (instead of just every 30 seconds), and out of all the nature-based frequency patterns Blushield uses, the second frequency band of the U1 specifically utilizes Phi ratio patterns. This constant emission of Phi ratio waveforms (which are still infinitely changing in terms of exact frequency and amplitude) is designed to hold your body's entrainment to the Blushield signal when exposed to much more intense EMF sources, such as being in close range of one or more 5G antennas, or in the vicinity of high band (millimeter wave) 5G. It also assists the body in regenerating more quickly from the small percentage of radiation that does still affect your body (since Blushield is estimated to be 93-97% effective if you choose the appropriate strength model for your overall EMF exposure).
Near the end of 2021, we added three more dual band portable models to our lineup! All four offer the same base protection strength, which is about twice as strong as our classic mono band Premium Portable device. Beyond that, they have similarities and differences, and if you’re looking for a strong portable to protect you from 5G while you’re out and about, it’s likely that one of the four will be most ideal for your particular needs!
Let’s talk about the differences between our four dual band portables, as well as our classic mono band Premium Portable.
Five Portables to choose from: which one is right for you?
Our classic Premium Portable has a mono band output, is lightweight, and is our lowest priced Blushield device. It is ideal for those with moderate EMF exposure, those who don’t leave the house often, for backcountry adventures in low/moderate EMF areas where your pack weight is a consideration, or just for anyone with budget considerations who wants to be protected on the go but can’t afford one of the stronger dual band devices. Since the signal is only emitted every 30 seconds, the battery life between charges is very long.Now let’s consider the differences in our four dual band portables, so that if you need or want stronger protection on the go, you can choose the model that’s right for you!
As we mentioned before, these four all have the same strength protection, and are all excellent choices for traveling through or working in high EMF areas where you can see 5G antennas. They are also great if you drive an electric or hybrid car, ride electric trains, use a 5G phone, use Starlink 5G satellite internet (which uses centimeter/millimeter waves in the 10-72 GHz range), or are exposed to many Wifi signals and/or banks of smart meters.
The most obvious difference between the four portables is their aesthetics. The U1 Ultimate Portable and T1 Portable are both rectangular devices that are smaller than a cell phone. The U1 is a reflective, vibrant blue-green color, and is slightly larger than the silver, chrome plated T1, which is our smallest portable. Although both devices weigh less than a cell phone, they both have a satisfying weight that feels good in your hand and pocket – substantial enough so you will notice that it’s there, but also light enough to feel comfortable in any attire!
The W1 Watch and X1 Pendant are both functionally and aesthetically different than the rectangular U1 and T1.
The X1 Pendant is a chrome plated, diamond shaped device with a clip that can attach to almost anything: a favorite necklace, belt loop, purse, backpack, or the removable chrome plated chain that comes with the device! It is very versatile in this way, and being able to attach it to something makes it useful for a variety of needs, including for protecting kids at school and other places they spend time away from parents.
The W1 Watch is a black, heavy duty, sporty watch with an electronic face that does several things at once: it tells the time and date, emits a red light on the back of the face where it touches the skin (acting like a microdose of red light therapy/photobiomodulation, which has many systemic health benefits), and of course emits the dual band Blushield EMF protective field! Unlike all our other portables, the watch is water resistant, and can withstand light splashes of water or a little bit of sweat. Using a magnetic charger cable instead of a USB-C plug removes the open charger port that makes the other portables sensitive to water and humidity damage, and makes the watch a functional and practical wearable item that can be used while exercising and playing outside in the elements. (Please note that although it’s water resistant, it is NOT waterproof, and shouldn’t be submerged in water or worn while showering).
Older kids and teenagers can wear the watch as a more stealth form of EMF protection that looks like a high tech smart watch, but which emits a protective field against EMFs, instead of actual EMFs! Due to the fairly large size of the watch, it’s not recommended for children under age 8, and some women who prefer smaller sized watches may not find it ideal for their needs. The larger size is necessary to house a strong enough battery to emit the appropriate strength signal to protect from 5G.
The coverage areas of protection are similar among all four portables, with slight differences: the rectangular U1 and T1`models have a coverage radius of 5 meters (about 16.4 feet) in all directions from the device, and the X1 and W1 Watch have a coverage radius of 3 meters (about 9.8 feet) in all directions. This means that anyone who’s in the sphere of the person holding/wearing the device will be protected!
The run time between battery charges has slight differences, as well. The U1 Ultimate Portable has the strongest and most efficient battery, and will run for 4-5 days of continuous use before having to recharge it. The T1, W1 and X1 will run for about 2 days of continuous use before needing to be recharged. All four portables have a very quick recharge time of only 2-3 hours from zero charge to full charge, similar to a cell phone, making it easy to remember to charge it with enough time before needing to use it!
One significant difference between the four devices, and a difference from our past portables, is that some of the models have power buttons to turn the devices on and off, and some of them have an “always on” design with no power button.
The newest edition of the U1 Ultimate Portable is an “always on” device, as is the X1 Pendant.
Since the power button is the most likely component to have issues or break eventually, eliminating the button makes the devices more durable overall, and may increase their longevity. They will also no longer be able to be accidentally turned off while in someone's pocket or purse, which can happen occasionally if it's bumped against another item.
Another reason we chose to make some portables without power buttons is because many parents are looking for devices that their kids can take to school with them. As is the nature of kids, if they see a button they will probably want to press it, so the device having no button ensures that they won't turn it off during the day from messing with it, which would turn off the protective field, and the child will then be vulnerable to the effects of EMFs. For those who don’t leave the house regularly, the best way to use an “always on” portable is to wait until you know you’re going to leave the house and charge it right beforehand, then let it run down on its own until the battery dies, and leave it that way until you know you’re going to leave the house again.
The T1 Portable and W1 Watch do still have power buttons, for those who prefer that feature. The button can be nice to have because you can turn it off when you're not using it, extending the run time between charges. You can protect your T1 from getting accidentally turned off in your pocket (or dirt or grime getting into the slot around the button) by getting one of our leather portable pouches and placing the T1 into the pouch top down (button first).
Since we have several portable devices now that all provide the same protection strength, our thought was to provide multiple options and features that will be convenient for a variety of situations!
For more ideas about how to use Blushield portables to protect kids from EMFs when away from home, read our article about children, EMFs and Blushield.
For more information on choosing the best home and portable devices for your needs, please read our Blushield Product Guide, and take a look at the product spec sheet chart at the end of the guide for a visual comparison of our different mono and dual band home and portable options!