When it comes to the effects of electromagnetic fields on human health, many aspects have been studied quite extensively over the past several decades, and positive correlations showing health harm from EMFs is becoming more apparent. This has become especially clear in the areas of oxidative stress, DNA damage, potential cancer risk, fertility and fetal/child development issues, and mental illness.
Harmful effects on blood glucose and insulin levels, leading to potential diagnoses of diabetes (or exacerbation of a preexisting diabetic status), can now be added to the growing list of negative effects of electromagnetic fields. Several studies demonstrate a clear link between EMF exposure and prediabetic and diabetic blood glucose and insulin status. These effects are linked to several forms of EMFs, including microwave radiation from cell phones and cell towers, ELF (extremely low frequency) radiation from 50 hertz home electricity, as well as the kilohertz frequencies from dirty electricity spikes from electrical wiring and appliances.
Diabetes has become a major health epidemic in modern countries over the past few decades, and interestingly seems to correlate very closely with the increase in electromagnetic field exposure. In 1985, only 0.6% of the population had a diabetes diagnosis. This rose to 2.8% by the year 2000, and since then, has increased alarmingly in a very short period of time, all the way to 9.8% of the population in 2019! Notably, the prevalence is higher in urban areas (10.8%) compared to 7.2% in rural areas, and is higher in high-income (first world) countries (10.4%) compared to low-income (third world) countries, where it’s only 4%. Of course, urban areas are considerably higher in EMF sources, and high-income, first world countries also have a much higher prevalence of EMF emitting electronic and communications devices. This data suggests a plausible link between diabetes and EMF exposure.
It is important to note the already established link between poor quality diet and a sedentary lifestyle with blood sugar disorders like diabetes. Urban populations, and those living in countries with many modern conveniences, are more likely to be sedentary and rely on processed food high in sugar and fat and low in essential nutrients. However, several studies have been done removing both diet and exercise factors, and showing that electromagnetic pollution has a direct effect on blood sugar regulation. It seems that along with diet and movement factors, electromagnetic fields are a considerable contributor to hyperglycemia and diabetes, and absolutely need to be factored into the prevention and treatment of this debilitating and deadly disorder.
There are two types of diabetes, with different causes and mechanisms of action, which are called type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 is considered to be an autoimmune type disorder, where the body’s own immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, so the body is unable to produce its own insulin to keep blood sugar levels low enough to maintain good health. This type can show up anytime, even in early childhood or adolescence, earning it the alternate name of juvenile diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, which is much more common, is considered to be heavily influenced by lifestyle factors, and takes more time to develop. It is characterized by the body not processing blood glucose effectively, commonly due to insulin resistance, which means the cells are not allowing insulin to deliver glucose into the cells as efficiently, leading to elevated blood levels of both glucose and insulin, while the cells themselves are starved of the glucose needed to function. Elevated blood glucose is a measure of hyperglycemia, prediabetes and diabetes, and indicates that insulin is not effectively shuttling glucose from the bloodstream into the cells.
Several studies show negative effects from EMFs on glucose and insulin
First, let’s look at several case studies on diabetic humans, published in 2009 by Dr. Magda Havas, specifically experimenting with the effects of the EMFs from dirty electricity emitted by wiring and appliances in homes and buildings.
Of the four case studies, two were type 1 diabetics, and the other two were type 2 diabetics. Some interesting results include the very quick reduction in blood glucose levels measured when the subject moved from an environment high in dirty electricity to an electrically clean environment – it only took several minutes, or less than an hour, to see blood glucose drop to healthier levels. The changes were significant and obvious, but in most cases also not so drastic as to result in hypoglycemia. The exception was the case of the 12-year-old type 1 diabetic, who required extra sugar pills to prevent a steep blood sugar drop as the family experimented with modifying the level of insulin required to maintain his blood sugar in a healthy range. Overall, the type 1 diabetics required considerably less insulin in the electrically clean environment, than when living in a home with dirty electricity exposure, and the type 2 diabetics’ fasting blood glucose stayed within a lower, healthier range. When the subjects reentered an area with dirty electricity, their blood glucose rose to the previously unhealthy levels once more.
Another interesting finding related to one of the type 2 diabetic subjects’ (a 57-year-old female’s) exercise habits. Exercise generally tends to lower blood glucose to a healthier level, and this was consistently found to be the case after the subject went for a walk in the mall. However, the opposite was found to be true when walking on a treadmill – her blood glucose levels actually rose afterward! Treadmills have variable speed motors that produce dirty electricity. Her actual activity level was the same, walking at the mall versus on a treadmill, but her EMF exposure was considerably higher on the treadmill.
It is speculated in this study that electrically hypersensitive (EHS) individuals’ blood sugar levels react quickly to electromagnetic fields, and that this segment of the population (it is currently speculated that 3-35% of the population is EHS) is being misdiagnosed with diabetes, when it’s really a purely environmental factor that’s affecting their blood sugar. It seems more likely to us that EMFs affect everyone, to greater or lesser degrees, and that EMF exposure is likely to at least be a co-factor (even if it’s not the primary cause) in most cases of diabetes. EHS individuals are very likely have more dramatic blood sugar changes in response to EMF exposure than those who are less sensitive to EMFs.
A few controlled laboratory studies have been done on rats, which showed significantly elevated blood glucose levels in the EMF exposed groups, compared to the control groups. The greatest change was seen with longer durations of exposure to cell phone type frequencies, versus the shorter exposure times where the changes were less significant.
In one study from 2013, all the groups of rats exposed for longer than 15 minutes per day had significantly elevated blood glucose levels, and the ones exposed for even longer periods (30+ minutes per day) also had increased insulin levels, as well as signs of insulin resistance, compared to the control group.
Another study from 2021, also on rats in a controlled setting, exposed the experimental groups to 1800 Mhz cell phone radiation for similar periods of time as the previous study. There was a clear dose-response relationship, in that the groups exposed to a longer duration of EMF exposure showed the worst results in the areas of fasting blood glucose levels, serum insulin levels, and markers of insulin resistance.
One or two studies seemed to indicate a lowering of blood glucose from EMF exposure, but these studies admittedly had short term exposure durations, which seemed to initially lower glucose, while longer term exposures tended to raise blood sugar levels. This could be related to the body using additional glucose to deal with the stress of the EMF initially, at first lowering it, but then raising it over time as stress hormones like cortisol also increase in response to the EMFs.
Exploring possible mechanisms of EMF effects on blood glucose
Many studies show that EMF exposure produces oxidative stress. Martin Pall’s body of research has thoroughly explored how pulsed, modulated EMFs from radiofrequency radiation (especially 5G) creates dysfunction in the voltage gated calcium channel (VGCC) signaling that controls the influx of calcium ions into the body’s cells, either inhibiting or triggering a cascade of activities in the body. The VGCC activation can cause oxidative stress, and also be triggered by oxidative stress.
Dr. Robert O. Becker has postulated that the reason EMFs cause oxidative stress is primarily due to the body’s excessive immune response to what it perceives to be a foreign invader. The manmade electromagnetic fields humans are exposed to 24/7 in modern times are foreign and unfamiliar to our biology, compared to the natural background frequencies we have lived and thrived with since the beginning of our existence. To the body, these artificial, invisible, perpetual fields are interpreted similarly to a viral or bacterial threat. However, there’s nothing physically present to attack and defeat, since the source of the perceived threat is coming from outside our bodies, so the immune response continues, always trying to eliminate the threat, but never succeeding… exhausting its resources in the process.
The immune response itself produces oxidative stress. The white blood cells produce inflammatory cytokines designed to quickly eliminate viral and bacterial invaders, which unfortunately can damage or destroy healthy cells as innocent bystanders. In the short term, this is an acceptable trade-off, as long as the threat is quickly resolved so our body can repair the inevitable oxidative damage that occurs during any period of strong immune activation. The real problem occurs when the immune response becomes chronic, which produces cumulative oxidative stress, resulting in DNA damage and many other health issues if the stress is prolonged and unresolved.
Oxidative stress raises cortisol levels, which results in elevated blood glucose levels. Chronic immune activation will result in high cortisol levels over a long period of time, which is likely to raise blood sugar chronically, presenting as hyperglycemia, prediabetes and eventually diabetes.
Cleaning up your electromagnetic environment by removing or minimizing EMF sources, as well as utilizing powerful and effective EMF protection technology like Blushield, could be used as part of a holistic, well rounded strategy to prevent and treat glucose metabolism disorders.
Combined with other lifestyle strategies, such as lowering stress levels, ensuring good sleep (which regulates blood sugar and increases insulin sensitivity), regular exercise and a healthy diet with plenty of essential nutrients and fiber, EMF reduction and protection is a smart choice!
- Study: “Global and regional diabetes prevalence estimates for 2019 and projections for 2030 and 2045: Results from the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas, 9th edition” – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31518657/
- Study: “Dirty Electricity Elevates Blood Sugar Among Electrically Sensitive Diabetics and May Explain Brittle Diabetes” – https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15368370802072075
- Study: “Effects of exposure to electromagnetic field radiation (EMFR) generated by activated mobile phones on fasting blood glucose” – https://www.emf-portal.org/en/article/22812
- Study: “Effect of the Electromagnetic Field Radiation of Cell Phones on the Level of Blood Glucose in Rats” – https://ijnscfrtjournal.isrra.org/index.php/Natural_Sciences_Journal/article/view/1053/29
- Study: “Pulsed electric field exposure of insulin induces anti-proliferative effects on human hepatocytes” – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16189829/